Fingerprinting biomolecules with the help of sound

A team of researchers from the Institute for Optoelectronic Systems and Microtechnology at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) has designed a biosensor capable of identifying proteins and peptides in quantities as low ...

Light-matter interaction: Broken symmetry drives polaritons

An international team of scientists provide an overview of the latest research on light-matter interactions. A team of scientists from the Fritz Haber Institute, the City University of New York, and the Universidad de Oviedo ...

Review of photonics based on Weyl semimetals

Weyl semimetals are topological materials whose low-energy excitations obey the Weyl equation. In a Weyl semimetal, the conduction and valence bands touch at discrete points in momentum space called Weyl nodes. Weyl nodes ...

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