
World's First HTPS LCD Panel Using Inorganic Alignmnet Layer

Representing the latest technology in precise liquid crystal alignment, Sony Corporation announced today the successful development of the world's first HTPS LCD panel for front projector TV sets, has increased reliability ...

NASA Astrobiologist Identifies New 'Extreme' Life Form

The end of a scientific journey -- started five years ago in a frozen tunnel deep below the Alaska tundra -- came in January for NASA astrobiologist Dr. Richard Hoover. It proved a long, arduous journey for Hoover and his ...

NIST Unveils Atom-based Standards

Gaithersburg, MD--Device features on computer chips as small as 40 nanometers (nm) wide—less than one-thousandth the width of a human hair—can now be measured reliably thanks to new test structures developed by a team ...

Saturn's A Ring has oxygen, but not life

Data from the Cassini-Huygens satellite showing oxygen ions in the atmosphere around Saturn's rings suggests once again that molecular oxygen alone isn't a reliable indicator of whether a planet can support life. That and ...

NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Continues Making New Discoveries

NASA's Cassini spacecraft continues making new and exciting discoveries. New findings include wandering and rubble-pile moons; new and clumpy Saturn rings; splintering storms and a dynamic magnetosphere. "For the last seven ...

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