
Linking low frequency hearing to the cochlea's curvature

Shape matters, even in hearing. Specifically, it is the shape of the cochlea — the snail-shell-shaped organ in the inner ear that converts sound waves into nerve impulses that the brain deciphers — which proves to be ...

Probing question: Why do whales beach themselves?

Whales are the largest marine mammals in the world — the smallest species weigh in at several tons. When whales beach themselves, they can die simply from the crushing weight of their own bodies or from overheating due ...

New Properties Discovered for Nanotube Sheets

A team of nanotechnologists at The University of Texas at Dallas, along with Brazilian collaborators, have discovered that sheets of carbon nanotubes can produce bizarre mechanical properties when stretched or uniformly compressed. ...

Researchers discover theoretical model to predict jamming

Researchers at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have come up with a theoretical model to predict when granular materials become jammed. This advancement not only broadens fundamental knowledge, ...

Northern lights glimmer with unexpected trait

An international team of scientists has detected that some of the glow of Earth’s aurora is polarized, an unexpected state for such emissions. Measurements of this newfound polarization in the Northern Lights may provide ...

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